Accepted Abstracts

Accepted Abstracts
Acceptance notice will be sent by individually by September 2, 2024.
If you don’t received it by the date, please contact the secretariat.
More details such as session theme, date and time, presentation order will be informed by mid-September.
❖  Allocated time for each presentation style
■  Oral Keynote Lecture: 20mins (17mins for presentation/3mins for discussion)
■  Oral : 10mins (8mins for presentation/2mins for discussion)
■  Poster: Free Discussion
* Rapid fire presenters will be selected among accepted poster presenters.
  Those who selected as the rapid fire presenter will be required to have 3minuets oral presentation at mail hall.
  Selected presenters and more details will de informed by the mid-September.
  Rapid fire presenters are also required to prepare paper posters and attend free discussion.
* Poster size
  Poster No. will be prepared by the secretariat.